After saying good-bye
to Mr. Porcupine, we spent the next few hours exploring & finding more & MORE new trails that we somehow
missed the last few years. We find it simply amazing that after all these years & countless hours aboard our trusty
quads , that we still find trails not tread upon by the East Coast Speedball's .
By now our bellies
are starting to growl & make strange noises , so we head south towards the " 901 Pub " north of Minersville & some
scrumptous mouth watering chow. Of course the next 15 miles are spent powersliding & dunking one another at
every sweeping curve & mud hole along the way! LOL! By the time we reach the " 901 Pub " we are all out of breath &
The folks at " 901 Pub " know these crusty atvers on sight , but since we are good spenders & even better tippers,
they welcome us with open arms! LMAO! Connie asks " What do you want to drink ?????? " She returns with our frosty drinks
& takes our orders , BUT never writes down a thing! Only ever saw one other waitress do that & get everything RIGHT!
Once tummies are full & our thirsty throats quenched , it's time to drop the hammer & sling some more mud & water!
HE! HE! Off we go & head across the mountains to see IF we can find the upper access trail to the waterfall ?????
Even with 4x4's & big tires, Speedy & his Susuki 700 Twin Peaks gets swallowed up by a HUGE washout & has to be
After a few hours & countless dead ends we find the upper access trail
to the waterfalls & are dumbfounded by the VOLUME of water cascading over it's edge! WOOOOOOOW!!!! Four days
of rain has transformed this once small watery trickle into a mini Niagra Falls ! SO WONDEROUS!
After marveling at this
hidden wonder in the Pa. mountains for a half hour or so, it's time to rattle across the mountains to Frackville.
The pace is FAST & FURIOUS most of the time & at times it gets a LITTLE CRAZY! LOL! Three hours & a few hundred
mudholes later four SOAKED , but HAPPY atvers powerslide into Inn 81's parking lot ! YEHAAAAAAA! What a GRAND DAY!
YOU could have been there!
Your AARP atv buddy!